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Daniel Day Lewis, Abraham Lincoln movie

Write By: Blog Admin Published In: Film Hits: 19498 Comment: 0
Daniel Day Lewis, Abraham Lincoln movie

In the summer of 2011, the actress Sally Field began receiving text messages from Abraham Lincoln.

“I’d hear that twinkle-twinkle on my phone, and he would have sent me some ridiculous limerick,” says Field, who plays the 16th President’s wife Mary Todd in the new film Lincoln. “He’d sign it, ‘Yours, A.’ I would text back as Mary, criticizing him for the waste of his time when he might have been pursuing something more productive.”

In May of the same year, the director of Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, received a Pearlcorder tape machine in the mail. “I turned it on, and it was Shakespeare and the Second Inaugural in this voice,” Spielberg says. The voice was Lincoln’s. Not the stentorian tone that generations of schoolchildren have inferred from Lincoln’s gloomy portraits, but the one described by contemporary observers: a gentle tenor, reedy and slightly cracked, the accent a frontier blend of Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. “A beautiful voice. I wanted that voice to read me a book. It came with a letter that said, ‘After you listen to this, would you ring me up and we’ll have a natter?’ I immediately got on the telephone and said, ‘Who is this?’”

Barbers, the origin

Write By: Blog Admin Published In: Barbering shaving Hits: 17273 Comment: 0
Barbers, the origin

A barber (from the Latin barba, “beard”) is a person whose occupation is mainly to cut, dress, groom, style and shave males’ hair. A barber’s place of work is known as a “barber shop” or a “barber’s”.
In previous times, barbers also performed surgery and dentistry. Today, with the development of safety razors and the decreasing prevalence of beards, in American and Commonwealth cultures most barbers specialize in cutting men’s hair. Many barbers may still deal with

TV3 apprentice 2011

Write By: Blog Admin Published In: Uncategorized Hits: 2734 Comment: 0
TV3 apprentice 2011

Tonight sees the start of the new apprentice series where another 16 hopefuls will have the chance to batter the head….I mean work with the big cheese jackie…I mean Bill Cullen. At the WestEnd we have all the gossip and inside stories….we will give you a blow by blow account on what’s happening….sounds like a name of a tug and pull on Parnell street…but anyway…tune in during and after the show. We wish all the new contestants the very best of loook…You know I mean luck chao